How the Monthly Plan Works

The monthly plan is best for users who want to send messages to the same contacts each month. Pricing is based on how many unique phone numbers you message throughout the whole month. We call this number your "group size". 

How many phone numbers can I contact?

When purchasing a monthly subscription, you will select a group size. Your group size is the total number of unique phone numbers you plan to message throughout the month, not just per broadcast. We call this running total your "unique count". You can add as many contacts to your Contacts page as you need to, regardless of which group size you are on. However, please keep in mind that if a contact has more than one phone number associated with their name (e.g., a home number, work number, and mobile number), all phone numbers included in a particular broadcast will contribute towards your unique count, even if it's "one" contact. We do not prioritize the contact's phone numbers (e.g., trying the second phone number if the first phone number is unsuccessful.)

Hint: If you're going to contact 100 unique phone numbers this month, choose the 100 group size. 

For group sizes over 2,500 individuals, please contact us for custom pricing at (877) 226-3080 or

Are there any limitations to the monthly plan?

The monthly plan offers text and voice broadcasts for a monthly flat rate. For most customers who need to contact the same contacts regularly, this is a perfect fit. However, there are a few limitations to the monthly plan to consider. 

Is it possible to message my contacts too frequently? 

Our research shows that sending a voice or text message to a single contact more than twice a week tends to be on the high end of desired messaging. This typically results in the contact opting out of receiving messages from you. Bottom line: make sure you're respectful of how often your audiences want to receive your messages. 

Our monthly plans offer users the option to send as many messages as they need to their group. Occasionally, we have seen the volume of communication for a particular account far exceed normal. Not only is this potentially creating spam for recipients, it is no longer a win-win relationship for Text-Em-All. If an account is abusing the monthly plan by sending too many messages. (see section 17 of our Terms of Service) We may restrict or terminate that account.

Can I exchange current contact phone numbers for new ones?

You can add as many new phone numbers to your account’s Contacts section as needed, regardless of which monthly group size you are on. However, you’ll only be able to message as many unique phone numbers as your group size supports. The total number of phone numbers you've reached out to is tracked throughout the month and is displayed on your account's homepage. 

Whenever you contact a new phone number, it is added to this unique count, and you are then allowed to send them messages as often as needed throughout the remainder of your current month.

On your renewal date, you'll have the ability to "switch out" numbers that you message, but you're still limited to the same group size you've chosen. 

Note: Deleting contacts after they've been included in your unique count will not cause your unique count to decrease.

What happens if I go over my group size?

If your unique count reaches your total group size amount (ex: you're on the 100 group size and your unique count is at 100), you will not be able to send messages to any new phone numbers until you either upgrade to the next group size or wait for the next month to start on your renewal date. 

Each month your account’s unique count will reset to 0, and you can begin to contact a brand new set of phone numbers if you desire. 

When will I be billed?

On the monthly plan, you are billed on the same day of each month at a flat rate based on the chosen group size. We call this day your "anniversary date". For example, if you start using the monthly plan on the 3rd of the present month, you will be billed on the 3rd for each of the following months.

If you create an invoice for a monthly plan, billing will take place every 3, 6, or 12 months, depending on how your invoicing is structured. The invoice will always renew on the 1st of the month regardless of when you first made your purchase. Learn more about monthly invoices in our support article, Purchasing Monthly via Invoice.

Enhanced Text Messages including MMS are not available for Monthly accounts that pay via invoice.

What features does the monthly plan include?

Features Credits Monthly
Mass Broadcasts Yes Yes
Auto Opt-Outs Yes Yes
Message Scheduling Yes Yes
Personalization Yes Yes
Survey Yes Yes
Live Transfer Yes No
MMS Yes $0.05 cents per message
Auto Replies Yes No
Keywords Yes No
API Access Yes No
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