How Credits Are Consumed

Credits are deducted from your Text-Em-All account when sending messages. However, due to the way Text-Em-All is charged by carriers for sending messages, there are differences between how credits are consumed for voice and text messages.

How are credits consumed when sending Voice Broadcasts?

Credits leave your account only if a connection is made with a live person or voice mail. This is done on a per phone number basis. You can review your Broadcast Details to know which contacts fall under the Live Answer or Voice Mail categories.

How are credits consumed when sending Text Broadcasts?

Credits leave your account whenever you send an outbound text from your account to a phone number regardless of the final result. Carriers charge money to send a text even if the message is not successful which is why credits are deducted no matter the result. This includes both mass broadcasts and 2-way (1 to 1) conversations. This, too, is done on a per phone number basis.

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