Text Number Registration

Why do I have to register my text numbers?

To prevent fraud and SPAM, mobile carriers require everyone sending mass text messages to register their traffic. The registration process will help establish legitimacy for your organization and the messages that are being sent. At Text-Em-All, we support these efforts to help reduce spam messages because it aligns with what we believe

Who needs to register?

Anyone using Text-Em-All or services like ours must register to send text messages. Whether you are using a toll-free number or a local landline, registration is required. Registration is not necessary to send voice messages.

What do I need to do to register?

Once a Text-Em-All account upgrades to a paid account, you'll be able to register with the carriers.
  • Registration requirements vary by use case, but you may need documented examples (such as screenshots) of your SMS opt-in process that show how your recipients provided their phone numbers and agreed to receive messages from you.

  • You will also need some sort of online presence, like a website or social media page. Carriers believe that an online presence is an important requirement to preventing SPAM.

  • If you're registering for a local number and are a business, you'll need your tax number/ID (EIN) handy. If you do not have an EIN. Non-business use cases can register without a taxID.

  • If you are registering for a local number, you'll also need a compliant privacy policy. Check out this support article for more information.

Does it cost anything to register text numbers? 

No. Text-Em-All isn't currently passing any of these new fees to customers. No registration fees and no per-message fees!

How long will it take to get registered? 

  • Toll-Free Registration - 1 to 4 business days.
  • Local Number Registration - 1 to 2 business days.

    Numbers cannot send text messages until registration is complete.

How many texts can you send after registering?

Text messaging volume is restricted at the carrier level. However, not every carrier has the same restrictions.

Message delivery speed and daily message caps vary based on the carrier, registered use case, and vetting score.

  • T-Mobile:  Daily message (160 character segment) caps range from 1,000/day up to 200,000/day
  • AT&T:  Texts Per Minute (160 character segment) speeds range from 15/minute up to 4,500/minute

Example #1:  You create a text broadcast that is 300 characters long that is being sent to 100 contacts. This is the equivalent of 2 message segments going to 100 contacts for a total of 200 messages. You would see no disruption in their outbound messages with the exception that messages going to contacts on the AT&T network will go out slower (15 msgs/minute) than on other networks. Customers with a registered high volume local number would see faster delivery speeds on AT&T and have a higher daily messaging cap.

Example #2:  You create a text broadcast that is 100 characters long that is being sent to 2,500 contacts. This is the equivalent of 1 message segment going to 2,500 contacts for a total of 2,500 messages. You would be prompted to register as a high-volume sender because your broadcast would exceed T-Mobile's daily cap which would prevent some of your messages from being delivered the same day.

If you'll send more than 4000 text messages* in a day reach out to our support team for help getting extra volume.

*Text messages are broken into 160-character segments. A 320-character message is 2 segments for example.

Can I use my own local number? 

Yes! If you prefer to text with your own landline phone number, fill out this Text-Em-All Letter of Authorization (LOA) and email it to support@text-em-all.com. You can't enable a mobile number for texting. Our team will work with the carriers to text-enable your number. 

Tip: Mobile phone lines will not work for local number texting. Text carriers only allow landline numbers to be enabled for mass texting.

Furthermore, a number can only be used on one platform at a time. Even if text carriers allowed mobile/personal numbers to be used for mass texting, this would prevent your number from working in traditional messages apps (e.g., iMessage on iPhones).

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