Creating Additional Users

Some accounts may want to have multiple logins to be able to utilize Text-Em-All as a team. When setting up users on your account you can choose between 3 different roles: Account Owner, Admin, and User. All users can be created on the Users tab on your account's Settings page. Learn more about our different user roles in our support article: User Roles

Create a User

Follow these steps to create a new user. 

  1. Navigate to the Settings Users page (only visible for Account Owners and Admins)
  2. Click Add User
  3. Fill out the Profile Tab: Fill out the fields for the User's name, username and password, phone number time zone, and email address 
  4. Select which type of role the user will have (Account Owner, Admin, or User. *note: Admins can't create Account Owners)
  5. Give privileges to the User account
    1. Can see all broadcasts - Toggling this setting "on" will allow all users to see all broadcasts on their Home page, not just their own. Toggling this setting "off" will allow each user to see only their broadcasts. 
    2. Can see all Contact lists - Toggling this setting "on" will allow all users to see all contacts on their Contacts page, not just the contacts they personally have added/edited. Toggling this setting "off" will allow each user to see only their contacts. 
    3. Note: There is no way to share specific Contacts groups/lists with users. They either have access to all or none of the Contacts groups/lists.

  6. Click Continue
  7. Fill out the Broadcast Settings Tab:
    1. Broadcast Settings will automatically default to the Account Owner's current settings. 
    2. You may change any of the settings on this tab or leave them as is.
  8. Click Continue
  9. Assign a text number on the Text Numbers tab: 
    1. You may assign your Users a text number so they can send text messages. 
    2. Click Assign Text Numbers on the top right-hand corner and select the text number(s) you'd like to share access to. 
  10. Click Finish

Note: The user will get an email letting them know their account was created. You will need to share the password you created for them to log into the account.

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