Create a Text Signature
You may create a text signature which is automatically added to any text message you send in your account. Don't worry, you can toggle the signature on and off at any time anywhere you type a message.
Tip: Text Signatures will only be added to messages originating from our desktop website. If you are sending your message via our mobile app or mobile website the signature will not be added to the message.
How to create a text signature
- Navigate to the Settings > Text Settings page in your account.
Scroll down and click the toggle on the Text Signature section to enable signatures.
Click EDIT to edit your signature.
Add your signature in the dialog and click SAVE.
How to toggle your signature on/off when typing a message
You can toggle your signature on and off anywhere you type a message.
Click the signature icon to toggle signatures on/off. It looks like a pen.
Can I turn signatures off in individual conversations?
Yes, you can turn text signatures off in individual conversations if you don't want the signature appended every time you send a message.
Click the text signature icon on the individual conversation thread to stop adding a text signature when sending a message from that location.
NOTE: If you send a new message to a conversation and include a signature the signature will be included even if you have the signature turned off on the individual conversation.