Troubleshooting Login Issues
You can log into your account from your computer or mobile device. If you have trouble logging into your site, follow this guide to troubleshoot.
Tip: If you can't log in, it could be related to a system-wide issue we're fixing. Check our Status page to stay updated about any downtime.
Before You Begin
Ensure you are using the correct login information. Keep in mind login information is case sensitive. Usernames can only be changed from within the account.
I Forgot My Username
If you can't log in because you forgot your username, click here to recover your username. After confirming your account's email, a recovery email will be sent to the email on file for the account. For more information, visit our support article on updating your login and contact information.
I Forgot My Password
If you can't log in because you lost your password, click here to reset your password. After confirming your account's username, a reset password email will be sent to the account's email. For more information, visit our support article on updating your login and contact information.
I'm Seeing An Error Message
Username Not Found
This message means we can't find a Username that matches what you entered. To resolve this:
- Check the username box on the login screens for typos. Ensure there are no spaces before or after the username you entered.
- Try other usernames or emails you may have used. Usernames can only be changed from within the account.
Password is Incorrect
This message means you have entered the incorrect password for the currently entered username. To resolve this:
- Try again and be mindful of typos
- Reset your password.
Your Account is Disabled
You may encounter a message telling you that your account is disabled. This means you are attempting to log into a User or Admin account that has been disabled by the Account Owner on the main account. To resolve this:
- Contact the Account Owner to enable your account.
If you are the Account Owner reach out to our customer service team for help.
I Think My Password Was Stolen
If you can't log in because you think someone may have changed your password, visit updating your login and contact information. After following the steps in that guide, your previous password will become invalid, preserving your account's security.
I Didn't Receive a Password Reset Email
After you reset your password, we will send you a password reset link using the email address on your account. Unless it was changed, it is the same email you used to create the account.
If you didn't receive the email:
- Check your email's Spam or Junk folder.
- Add to your email account's whitelist. You may need to contact your organization's IT department to add the email to a larger firewall whitelist.
Tip: For security purposes, the link included in the password recovery email will only be available for 24 hours and cannot be forwarded to another email. After the 24-hour period has passed, you will need to request a new link from the same forgot password? link.