Require Opt In for Text Messages

Text-Em-All does not require a handset opt-in. However, you can enable this feature in your account if you prefer to implement this option in your community. This can also be a great way to have contacts add their own mobile number to your contact list.  

How to enable Require Opt-Ins for text messages

The Require Opt-In feature will honor any opt-ins that you had before enabling this feature and will only allow you to text contacts who have joined your list. You can enable this option by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Settings > Text Settings page
  2. Click Edit next to the "Require Opt-Ins?" line under Text Settings
  3. Click the toggle switch on and click OK.

How do contacts opt-in?

Contacts may opt-in by texting the word "JOIN" (no quotes) to your account's text number. This will add their phone number to your Everyone folder on your Contacts page and allow the contact to start receiving messages from your account if you have enabled the Requires Opt-In feature. If contacts need to opt-in to a specific group they can text "JOIN [GROUP NAME]" to your account's text number. 

Note: "JOIN" will add a contact to your Everyone folder or a certain contact group even if the Required Opt-In feature is not enabled. 

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