Resend a Broadcast

Contacts that are uploaded within the Create a Broadcast process will not be saved to your account for later use. If you'd like to be able to contact the same list over and over again, we suggest adding the phone numbers as Contacts on the Contacts page in your account. 

Resend a Broadcast

In order to send a new broadcast to the same phone numbers from a previous broadcast follow these steps:

  1. Click on the HOME section of your account
  2. Click on the broadcast you wish to duplicate to bring up the Broadcast Details screen.
  4. Click CONTINUE to confirm each section of your broadcast and make any final edits (if needed). You can also add new recipients to this duplicated broadcast in Step 2 if needed. 
  5. On step 4, review your broadcast and click SEND BROADCAST when ready.

Please note: the same audio message or text message from your previous message will appear in your new broadcast steps. Take a second to listen and review the content in your new broadcast.  

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