Managing Unread Reply Notifications

Notifications help keep you informed when you have unread text messages in your Text-Em-All account. You may set up text, email, and browser notifications to keep you up to date. This article will walk you through how to set up and manage your notifications.

Set up new unread text reply notifications

  1. Navigate to your Settings > Notifications page
  2. Click Add Unread Message Notification and select the text number you'd like to enable for notifications. You can also just click on the text number you wish to edit if it already appears in the list. 
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of the notification type that you'd like to enable: email, text, browser, or all three. 
  4. By default, we set new notifications to send every 15 minutes, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Sunday through Saturday. To change these parameters click the blue change link. 

5. Click Save to confirm your selections. 

Unread text reply notifications settings can also be accessed on the Inbox and Text Settings page by clicking the three-dot menu on any text number and selecting Manage Notifications on the drop-down menu that appears. 

Note: By default, daily email notifications will be sent at 9:00 AM every day. However, you can manage these alerts directly within your account to change the time interval, times of day, and days of the week that you'd like to receive notifications.

Set a notification schedule

By default email notifications are sent at 9:00AM every day and text messages are set to trigger every 15 minutes. However, you can update these alert schedules in the same place you turn on/off notifications. 

  1. Navigate to your Settings > Notifications page
  2. Click on the text number whose notifications you would like to manage. 
  3. Click change next to the item you wish to edit. 
  4. You can edit the frequency and days/times of the week. If you want to always get notifications, click the toggle button to toggle off the time/date settings and always get notifications.  
  5. When finished click Save

Pause Notifications

You may pause text and email notifications at any time without losing your existing settings. To pause notifications: 

  1. Navigate to your Settings > Notifications page
  2. Click on the text number whose notifications you would like to pause. 
  3. Click the Pause button under the notifications you wish to pause.
  4. Click Save. 

Set Notification Destinations

Through the Settings > Notifications page, you can also manage the destinations where alerts are sent.

  • Email notifications are sent to the email address on file for the account. You can change the email address that receives notifications through the Settings > Profile page.
  • Text notifications must be sent to a cell phone number. You can edit this text number at any time. 
    • Notifications to your cell phone will come from the same number each time.  Replies to this number are not monitored.
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