Live Transfer Broadcasts
You may create a Transfer broadcast which is an optional feature you can enable on any voice broadcast, whether it be an Announcement or Survey. Live recipients of a Transfer broadcast will be able to connect to your office or call center by pressing the number 0 on their keypad. This article covers how to set up and use the Transfer feature.
Set up a Transfer Number
- Navigate to your Settings > Voice Settings page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Transfer Number.
- Enter a name for the transfer line. Only you will see this name.
- Add the transfer number. This is the number that we will transfer the recipient to if they select to do so.
- Enter the number of transfer lines you have available. So as to not overwhelm your capacity, Text-Em-All will ensure that no more than this number of calls are being made simultaneously. You may change this number at any time.
- Click Add
Create a Transfer Broadcast
- Navigate to the Create Broadcast page.
On step 1 you check the checkbox next to "Transfer".
- Continue creating your broadcast. On step 3 you will be presented with the opportunity to add audio for a live answer and voice message.
- Live Answer Message - This message plays if the contact picks up the phone live. You must tell contacts to press 0 to be transferred directly to your company.
Voicemail Message - This message plays if the contact's message is left on the voicemail. Since they can't press 0 to transfer you can leave a more general message.
Note: You are unable to customize which number should be pressed to transfer.
Transfer Broadcast Pricing
The transfer & connect feature is only available on the Credits Plan.
- The cost to place the initial broadcast remains the same. 1 credit every 30 seconds up to 2 minutes message per recipient.
- If a call is transferred, 1 credit = 1 minute of connection time.
Note: Credits are normally pre-purchased. A transfer message will complete, even if the account is low on credits. The account will go to a negative status, and credits will need to be purchased again before another call can be placed.