Opt Out Contact From Inbox

From the Inbox page, you may view your broadcast replies after sending a text broadcast. If a contact indicates they no longer wish to be contacted, and they are not caught by our Auto Opt-Out System, you may opt-out the contact(s) from the Inbox page. 

Tip: Contacts can opt-out anytime by responding STOP, END, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE to your text number. 

Before you Begin

You are responsible for all messages sent from your Text-Em-All account. Failure to comply with your contacts' requests to no longer receive your messages would be a violation of our Responsible Use policy and our Terms of Use. Additionally, a contact can report your neglect which can result in fines from the FCC. 

Opt-Out a Contact From Inbox

There are two ways to opt-out contacts from the Inbox page - the three-dot menu located in the middle pane on the conversation in question and the Opt-Out icon in the conversation itself.

Three-Dot Menu

  1. Click the three-dot menu on the conversation you wish to opt-out. 
  2. Click Opt-Out in the drop-down menu

Opt-Out Icon

  1. Click the conversation you wish to opt-out.
  2. Click the Opt-Out icon on the top right of the pane that shows this conversation's conversation history. 
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