Upload a File to Contacts
You may upload your contacts to our Contacts page. Contacts may contain a first name, last name, up to 3 numbers, and notes. Uploading a file to your Text-Em-All account is a simple process.
File upload requirements
All files with contacts being imported into Text-Em-All must:
- Be a .csv, .xlsx, or .xls file.
- Contain fewer than 1000 columns.
Upload a file to Contacts
To upload a file to Contacts, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your Contacts page
- Click the Upload a File button
- You may drag and drop your file into the dialog that appears or click Choose a File to find the file on your computer.
- We do our best to understand what information is in each column of your file. This includes things like phone numbers, names, notes, and other phone numbers for each person you want to contact. We'll show you a preview of what we detect so you can check it out before you send anything. If anything looks incorrect, click Modify
- When ready, click Import to import the file.
Add contacts to multiple groups
You may add contacts to multiple groups at one time.
Before you Begin
- We won't auto-identify a Groups column - To upload to multiple groups at once you must have a column named "Groups" in your file. Alternatively, you may click Modify after the file is uploaded to assign the column "Groups" tag.
- Groups must be separated with a comma (",") - Each cell in the "Groups" column may contain multiple groups separated by a comma. Ex: Day Shift, Night Shift, Management
- Must upload to Everyone Folder - You must be in the Everyone folder for multiple groups to be recognized during the file upload.
- We won't create new groups automatically - You must create the groups in your account and then upload the file. The groups listed in your file must match the name of the group in your account exactly.
Follow these instructions to upload contacts to multiple groups:
- Navigate to your Contacts page and ensure you are in the Everyone folder.
Click the Upload a File button
- Drag and drop your file into the dialog that appears or click Choose a File to find the file on your computer.
- Your file must contain a column named "Groups"
- If the group does not exist, we will exclude that row and it will show as a Bad Record. The group names in your file must match exactly what is in your account.
- To see the records (contacts) we excluded click View in the top right and then Bad Records.

- When ready click Import to import your contacts.
Sample import files
If you are having trouble formatting your file, check out the examples below to get started!
Upload to CONTACTS
Note: Valid 10-digit phone numbers can be in any of the following formats: XXX-XXX-XXXX, XXX.XXX.XXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Upload to multiple groups
I'm having a problem uploading my file
If you encounter an issue uploading your file, try these troubleshooting solutions:
- You must include at least one 10-digit phone number in your file.
- Make sure your file is not open in another program.
- Try modifying your column headers by clicking the Modify button before importing it.
- If we detect any bad records, you may click View in the top right corner and then click Bad Records to see exactly which records are reading as bad.
- If we detect any duplicate record, you may click View in the top right corner and then click Duplicate Records to see exactly which records are reading as a duplicate.
If you have fields other than First Name, Last Name, Phone 1, Phone 2, Phone 3, Notes, or Groups the system will not import those columns.
When uploading a file in Step 2 of Creating a Broadcast, additional columns will import for Personalization use.